Issue statement
Arguments against
Arguments for
Here is an example:
Should Councils remove large street trees?
A lot of streets have very large trees lining their streets. Some think they should be chopped down and replaced with younger trees while others believe they should be kept.
One reason to remove the trees is that the roots cause concrete paths to warp and people could trip on them.
Another reason is that old trees are more likely to drop branches and people could get injured.
The branches of big trees interfere with power lines and often have to be pruned which costs the Council money.
However, it takes a long time to grow a big tree and they are a valuable part of any neighbourhood that cannot be easily replaced.
Trees provide shade for parked cars and people walking along the street. New small trees will not provide shade for many years.
Trees are home to birds and many other creatures. The larger the tree, the more species it can support. Having nature near our homes improves our quality of life.
Old trees can be managed to maintain safety without removing them altogether. This could involve checking the trees for disease regularly and solving problems before it is too late. Pruning could help remove dangerous branches.
Therefore, the value of keeping mature trees in our streets outweighs the benefits of removing them and replacing them with immature trees.
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